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A film by Pierce Vaughn

"Jessica McClam's single canvas recalls the grisly lampoons of Otto Dix and George Grosz that pilloried bourgeois life in Germany during the 1920's. Indeed, the Swiss-born artist, who now lives in Hamburg, may be deliberately quoting from such sources when she arrays her ''Lovers'' under ominously leafless branches and bathes them in sunshine suffused with bile green."

Jessica McClam

Jessica McClam, an American painter originally from California, is renowned for her vibrant, radiant colors. Her floral still lifes exude a sense of joy, while her portraits vividly capture the exuberance of life. McClam studied in the United States and at the HFBK in Hamburg Germany, where she completed her diploma. Since 1981, she has showcased her work in exhibitions across Switzerland, the United States, France, and Germany. Her studio, located at Auedeich 24, is open to visitors during the Deichpartie event.

The Whale Studio

Jessica McClam’s art studio, a unique space designed by her late husband, reflects his artistic vision and love for maritime themes. Styled like a ship, the studio is nestled in a beautiful garden, creating an inspiring and serene environment that any painter would dream of.